Discoveries and Discoverors
1. Dalton(1808) : Discovery of atom
2. Julius Plucker (1859) : First discoverer of cathode rays
3. Goldstein(1886) : Discovered anode rays and proton
4. Sir.J.J.Thomson(1897) : Discovered electron and determined
charge/mass(e/m) ratio for electron
5. Rutherford(1891) : Discovered nucleus and proposed
atomic model
6. MaxPlanck(1901) : Proposed quantum theory of radiation
7. RobertMillikan(1909) : Determined charge of an electron
8. H.G.J.Mosely(1913) : Discovered atomic number
9. Niels Bohr(1913) : Proposed a new model of atom
10. Clark Maxwell(1921) : Electromagnetic wave theory
11. de-Broglie(1923) : Established wave nature of particles
12. Pauli(1927) : Discovery of neutrino
13. Werner Heisenberg(1927) : Uncertainty Principle
14. James Chadwick(1932) : Discovery of neutron
15. Anderson(1932) : Discovery of positron
16. Fermi(1934) : Discovered anti neutrino
17. Hideki Yukawa(1935) : Discovered mesons
18. Segre(1955) : Discovered anti proton
19. Cork and Association(1956) : Discovered anti neutron
Uncertainity principle
Published by Werner Heisenberg in 1927, the principle means that it is impossible to determine simultaneously both the position and the momentum of an electron or any other particle with any great degree of accuracy or certainty
Definitions for this will be published tomorrow