
Untold facts of Screwing ear (Thopu Karanam)

In Temples everybody worship Lord "Vinayaga" first. Everyone pray by touching their ears with hands then bending and standing up three times.We Indians are following this habit as a tradition. Do we know the scientific reason behind this...??

We Usually place our hands on head to bring to mind that something we has forgotten. Placing hands on our head induces the nerves and there's a possibility to remember the forgotten things. Similarly while touching and pressing gently will induce the nervous system and brain will get refreshed and the blood flow to the brain will increase. Consequently "Memory power" of the brain will increase.

Removing the hair and piercing the ear (காது குத்து ) to new born babies is also done with the same intention of increasing Memory power and Concentration of Child.

The same is the reason why some teachers screw the ears as punishment

